Here are some other tips and facts about how you can protect your baby and communicate with her starting today. Make sure you check with your doctor before making any changes in your diet, prescribed medications, or exercise routine.
La Leche League Offers information and free advice on breastfeeding.
Contact the NYS Growing Up Healthy Helpline to find your local WIC office for support, information and resources for breastfeeding.
A pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories a day. A 300 calorie snack is 1 cup of low-fat milk with a banana & egg. For more snack ideas, go to: Ask your medical provider for more information about healthy nutrition and food choices.
Communication begins before birth. A baby in the womb can see light, hear sounds and respond to noises, tastes, smells, mom’s movements. A child’s journey to language begins before birth, as babies in the womb hear clearly enough in the last few months of pregnancy to distinguish their mother’s voice (HAMER C., 2012)