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NYS Parent Guide


Development Concerns

CDC Milestones Tracker App

CDC’s Milestone Tracker App – now available in Spanish!
Track your child’s milestones with CDC’s FREE Milestone Tracker app, now available for iOS and Android

in both English and Spanish. Interactive checklists with photos and video examples of developmental milestones help you know what to look for in your child.

As a parent, you already have what it takes to help your young child learn and grow. Watch your child’s amazing progress by tracking his or her developmental milestones —how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves – and sharing that progress with your child’s doctor at every check-up.

NYS Parent Portal and App

Help build a culture of positive parenting in your communities. Use these resources to make families aware of child care options, helpful hints to navigate concerns about development delays, and parenting support in your community. Distribute these resources throughout your communities in places parents and families visit on a regular basis.

Birth to Age Three

Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive

Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive passport - a form for writing down your child's developmental screening results at each visit. Screening Passport for download and printing.

Early Childhood Development Division in the U.S. Administration for Children and Families,

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

“Learn the Signs.Act Early” From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he/she plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child's development and act early if you have a concern.

NYS Growing Up Healthy Helpline

Find your local WIC office:



Find your local Early Intervention Program, part of a statewide initiative for any child between infancy and age three who qualifies for extra support and/or therapies.

New York State Department of Health

Find information about Early Intervention Services. A helpful webpage is First, The Basics: A Parent’s Guide for Children with Special Needs.

Age Three to Five

Family Guide Prenatal through Age 5

Link to the web page

Family Guide to NYS Early Childhood Services Prenatal through Age 5. Helpful ages and stages reminders for each developmental stage your growing child goes through. From womb to Kindergarten, there is a lot to learn and guidance is at your fingertips. Parenting is hard, let us help! Available in over 20 languages.

Committee on Preschool Special Education

Every local school district offers this committee, which will evaluate and coordinate services for your child (ages 3-5) through preschool special education.